Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera

Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera


The Chakra Brahmanda Lantera Institute (CANDLE) is an agency for developing scientific activities in the health sector which was established in 2016. The Chakra Brahmanda Lantern Institute (CANDLE) develops resources and activities to keep up with the changing times. The development is carried out through the soft skills development of health workers through organized trainings. Institutions also contribute to increasing knowledge and disseminating the results of publications and scientific papers.
The Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute (CANDLE) has a Book Publishing and is registered with the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia and is also registered as an Extraordinary Member of IKAPI with Member Number 278/Anggota Luar Biasa/JTI/2021. The purpose of publishing is to disseminate information through print or electronic media to the general public in order to increase the latest knowledge and information, and is also useful as self-actualization for writers and editors.
The Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute (CANDLE) has several journal publications that have been professionally managed and indexed as international journals. The published journal is an Open Access journal which can be accessed for free by anyone and is free to download, with the aim that the information disseminated is expected to be of benefit to the wider community who receive it. Journals can serve as a basis for policy making and also as a basis for carrying out interventions in a wider scope.
The Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute (CANDLE) has a Research Ethics Committee (KEP) which is also part of the research ethics committee that is registered with the RI Ministry of Health’s SIM-EPK, with KEPK Institutional Codefication 3506023S. Health researchers who involve humans as respondents can apply for Ethical Clearance.

Professional Partner

Berkolaborasilah dengan kami Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera dalam kegiatan penerbitan, Penerbitan Ethical Clearence, Jurnal, dan lainnya